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Extreme Connect 2025 19-22 de mayo
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Blog AI & ML

In the Algorithmic Age, AI is Changing Education

We are entering the algorithmic age. AI, data, and algorithms are already shaping our experiences. Retailers like Amazon, Ocado, Alibaba, and JD.com engage in what is known as anticipatory shopping, and consumers have come to expect it. According to futurist Mike Walsh “Algorithms and AI are transforming not only education but every facet of consumer life – from how we communicate, to the way we shop and entertain ourselves. To prepare the next generation for the disruptive future, educators will need to get ready to be more flexible, responsive and adaptive.”

ISTE keynote speaker Mike Walsh is the CEO of Tomorrow, a global consultancy on designing companies for the 21st century. He advises leaders on how to thrive in the current era of disruptive technological change. His bestselling books include The Algorithmic Leader, Futuretainment and The Dictionary of Dangerous Ideas.

No less than 84 sessions included a discussion of AI, its importance, and how it is being applied to education at this year’s ISTE conference. Here are four: Teaching AI: Exploring New Frontiers for Learning, Artificial Intelligence Goes to School, A.I. in the Hands of Your Students … Literally!, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Load Them Into K12 Classrooms, Alexa, What’s Today’s Lesson? That last one delved into another topic of growing importance: voice-activated AI or voicebots. Companies such as askMyClass already offer software systems to specifically customize Amazon’s Echo for the K-12 classroom environment.

My favorite session was Hey Google, Is there a role for you and Alexa in Classrooms? by Maureen Yoder. Just below is a slide from her talk with a link to the ISTE story, 8 reasons to use a digital assistant in your classroom. Maureen’s message for teachers concerned about the encroachment of AI onto their turf: «Nothing replaces good teaching», a sentiment echoed throughout the conference.

Rich Culata added his weight to the importance of AI for education. While only 30% think they are using AI today, 80% actually are. It is involved in credit card fraud prevention and searching for music. In the near future it will enable better collaboration across languages, compensate for physical limitations, and improve personalized learning. The World Economic Forum (WEF) projects that robots and AI will eliminate 75 million jobs by 2022; but will add 133 million new jobs and account for $3T in new revenue. “Some people are freaking out about the wrong thing. It is not a lack of jobs issue. It is a lack of preparation”.

GM has feared that they would have inadequate access to a prepared work force, so they partnered with ISTE on the project, «AI intelligent explorations and their practical use in school environments». The project and early very positive results were discussed in Artificial Intelligence Goes to School.

How far has AI come in the arts? You can try your hand at music composition with AI. This Google doodle uses AI to analyze 306 Bach compositions and apply the learning to your musical inputs. Here’s another Google AI resource that was promoted during the conference: AI Experiments is a showcase for simple experiments that make it easier for anyone to start exploring machine learning, through pictures, drawings, language, music, and more.

AI in Networking

Extreme’s ExtremeAI™ Security application is a new class of network security that leverages artificial intelligence and machine learning to identify and remediate advanced threats against IoT devices. Massively scalable behavioral anomaly detection leverages machine learning to understand the typical behavior of IoT devices on the network and automatically trigger alerts when endpoints act in unusual or unexpected ways.

ExtremeAI for Smart OmniEdge automatically monitors critical RF and network parameters, to optimize the network and make proactive adjustments in real-time. The application performs human-like diagnosis using ML and corrections at machine speed, providing instant resolutions for most common Wireless LAN problems.

These AI-based automation products team with Extreme’s full Automated Campus and Smart OmniEdge product lines to form the autonomous network.

[NFL Pro Football Hall of Famer Dave Robinson even dropped by the Extreme Networks booth ISTE19]

This blog was originally authored by Robert Nilsson, Director of Vertical Solutions Marketing.

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