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Blog AI & ML

How Can Your IT Team Be Everywhere at Once?

Cammy Perry Content Marketing Specialist Publicado 29 Mar 2025

Today’s enterprise networks are a far cry from previous network generations. Cloud has changed the business paradigm and has created the Infinite Enterprise, extending access to network resources to effectively anywhere users are, be they employees, customers, partners, or others. It means the network must extend everywhere, not just to corporate headquarters and a few branch locations. Users are accessing the network anywhere they have connectivity – which, today, is pretty much everywhere.

It’s a sign of the times, highlighting how technology and workforces have evolved in a mobile- and cloud-driven age. When it works, it’s a perfect scenario. But, inherently, it’s not that simple. The Infinite Enterprise brings its challenges – namely, complexity. The number of network connections is dramatically higher – more users, more devices, more real-time and high-bandwidth applications are on the network. They all expect consistent, reliable service, and they all represent a point of failure when it comes to user experience or, in the case of network infrastructure, a point of failure that can impact many users.

At the very least, managing the complexity of today’s networks creates headaches and forces IT to spend more person-hours troubleshooting and performing other network management tasks than they should. More likely, trying to be everywhere at once, everywhere there is a network connection, seems like an impossible feat.

It doesn’t have to be that way, though. Just as technology has enabled the Infinite Enterprise and makes connecting to resources from anywhere simple, technology can help simplify network management for IT. More specifically, from real-time traffic management to overall network trends and health to security, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) enable highly efficient management of cloud-delivered networks and improve network reliability and resiliency to meet the demands of the Infinite Enterprise.

There’s a ton of data the modern network creates related to users, devices, and applications that, with appropriate visibility, provide valuable insight into network and application performance and potential or real network issues. The problem is there is so much data that it overwhelms IT staff, who are also dealing with network management and troubleshooting in addition to their other tasks.

What IT needs is a CoPilot on their network management journey. With AI and ML, they have a digital partner to create a more efficient IT environment – a tool that can quickly and accurately analyze network data and either recommend or automate actions to remediate issues.

Some of the many things a digital IT assistant – like ExtremeCloud IQ CoPilot – can improve for IT include:

  • Increase IT Efficiency – Leverage explainable AI/ML to automate time-consuming, repetitive tasks and recommend solutions when anomalies are identified, freeing IT to focus on other strategic initiatives. At the same time, because AI recommendations and fixes are auditable, false alarms that unnecessarily waste IT time are reduced.
  • Reduce Network Complexity – CoPilot’s AI-driven analytics look for patterns to identify network anomalies. Rather than IT having to spend time analyzing data and eventually identifying and locating network issues, they are guided directly to the pain point to troubleshoot – if it hasn’t been resolved automatically. Network complexity is no longer a factor in monitoring and troubleshooting networks, regardless of their complexity.
  • Meet New Levels of Demand – AI is omnipresent. Anywhere users connect to the network, CoPilot sees the data and ensures network applications and services are available and meet quality of service standards. CoPilot delivers an always-on, consistent network experience that IT teams can’t achieve independently.

You can’t do anything about network complexity. It’s part and parcel of the Infinite Enterprise, which is a standard in today’s business environment. IT teams must also understand the wealth of information available from the network. They don’t necessarily need to understand or be able to analyze the data – they need a network management solution that brings AI/ML onto the IT team to support the new world of data-driven IT.

ExtremeCloud IQ CoPilot is the partner that brings network management in line with user demands and delivers a consistent, reliable network experience – everywhere, to everyone. It’s the gold standard of network management, combining cloud, AI/ML, data analytics, and security in one solution that reduces demand on IT teams while creating a better, more reliable network.

The IT team may be physically located at corporate HQ or distributed across various locations, even from their home offices. It doesn’t matter. With CoPilot, they can be everywhere at once – anywhere their network extends, and users connect to it.

Watch our webinar, where we cover how CoPilot can help IT teams be everywhere at once to ensure optimal user experiences: On-Demand Webinar

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